Sunday, July 12, 2009

Into The Wild Response

Writing Prompt:  Critics of Into the Wild have argued whether Chris McCandless is a genius or a fool. Does Krakauer find him to be a genius, a fool, or somewhere in between? Further, what does Krakauer do in his writing to make his argument?

  • Your response should be a minimum of 1000 words
  • Use at least 5 direct quotations and 5 examples from the text 
  • Include an introduction and a conclusion


sarah said...

do we send it to you via email?

Kelley said...

is there a different way to write a paper based on a non-fiction book? if so, is there a website we can get? -Kelley

Unknown said...

I tried to post my response and it will not accept it it claims I have to many chacters to send it so i will email you the response I hope that this will be ok.

D.Weatherspoon said...

I sent my response, but I just got an email saying that the message failed to send.