Friday, January 22, 2010


Argumentative Essay Fundamentals

Go over Final Exam review sheet

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today's Assignment

1. Read through the color-coded "Letter From a Birmingham Jail"

2. Using the same color-coding technique, type your own letter (750 word minimum) in a Word document in which you use the same rhetorical strategies to ask for something.

3. Email the color-coded letter to

Possible audiences:
  • political figure (current or past)
  • parent/guardian
  • friend (anonymous, please)
  • celebrity
  • someone you have a crush on
  • teacher (anonymous, please)
  • work supervisor
  • college admissions officer
  • school principal
  • anyone else (ask for approval)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Preview Final Exam

Go over Friday's prompt

HOMEWORK: By 7 am, email 5 questions/issues for the final exam that you'd like to go over.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Essay Esam - R.A. of Ch. 6, A Room of One's Own

HOMEWORK: Read "Letter From a Birmingham Jail" (p. 260)
in L o C and complete a R.A.G.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


  • Complete RAG chart on Chapter 5 of A Room of One's Own

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Breaking Down the Rhetorical Analysis Through the Intro

Read each intro
Jot down notes on what needs improvement
Answer when called upon

Learn how to write a 7 + intro

HW: Read Chapter 4 and complete a RAG BUT for this one, write a body paragraph instead of an outline.

Monday, January 11, 2010

For Mon 1/11/10

Directions for today:

1. Take out your homework.
2. Choose which Rhetorical Analysis Guide you want to turn into a full essay (Ch 1 or 2).
3. Type it up in MS Word, using my comments and/or my or Mr S's help.
4. Copy and paste your essay into this Google Document.

HOMEWORK: Finish above assignment and complete R.A.G. for Chapter 3 (due tomorrow)

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Room Test

Homework (or when done w/test)
Read the cover page from the syllabus and on the back, evaluate the class so far, in terms of:
1. Your performance
2. My performance
3. The performance of the class as a whole
To consider for each: What is working? Isn't working? Needs improvement? Needs more attention? Anything else that pertains to the course requirements.